Sousas Water has weak mineralization (dry residue at a very low 180ºC), it facilitates the production and elimination of urine, toxins and uric acid, being diuretic and detoxifying, having a purifying effect by favoring the elimination of catabolic products, given its washing and dragging of the urinary tract. This action is predominant in cold waters with little mineralization such as Sousas.
Due to their bicarbonate content, they act by neutralizing and regulating gastric acidity and pepsin activity (facilitating digestion).
Due to its sodium content, it is involved in multiple biological processes, in cell permeability and, together with calcium, in membrane potential and ionic exchanges.
The existing magnesium balances the central nervous system and benefits brain activity, while potassium is responsible for storing nitrogen.
It is a eupeptic water that activates the secretion of gastric juices, promoting digestion and is ideal for slimming treatments, since it promotes diuresis and does not provide calories.
Due to its fluoride content (<1 ppm), it is good for regular consumption by children under 7 years of age, avoiding dental fluorosis, cavities…
Sousa Water, due to its calcium and magnesium content, must be classified as very fine and very soft water, being classified as bicarbonated with weak mineralization.
All these properties provide beneficial effects for health, being suitable for consumption by the elderly, kidney treatments (kidney stones), high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and indicated for the preparation of children’s foods.
Chemical Analysis Dr. Oliver Rodés 2021
Dry residue at 180ºC: 137 mg/l
Bicarbonates: 50.7 mg/l
Sodium: 26.4 mg/l
Magnesium: 1.7 mg/l
Potassium: 2.0 mg/l
Fluorides: 0.40 mg/l
Calcium: 5.6 mg/l
Hardness: 2.1ºF
Sulfates: 21.0 mg/l
Chlorides: 10.5 mg/l
Silica: 51 mg/l
Nitrates: 7.6 mg/l