The province of Ourense not only boasts an interesting number of DOPs and PGIs but also has attractive artisanal and ecological products that, linked to customs, set a benchmark for people regarding longevity. As a result, statistical studies reflect that northeastern Spain is the territory with the highest proportion of centenarians in Spain and Ourense is the region with the highest proportion, surpassing in some areas the longevity rate of the prefecture of Okinawa. o Icaria global paradigms of longevity.

Board of Directors

President: Pablo García Vivanco

Community Pharmacist. Dietitian-Nutritionist. Optician-Optometrist. TS in Audiology.

Postgraduate course in Orthopedics. Master in Diet Therapy. Master in environmental policy evaluation. Teacher on leave. Member of the SEFAC Nutrition and Digestive working group. Member of the SEFAC Diabetes working group. Vice President SEFAC Galicia. popularizer. Passion for promoting Healthy habits and lifestyles. Member of the Spanih Academy of Nutrition.

Vicepresident: Cristina Conde Rodríguez

I studied Pharmacy at the University of Santiago de Compostela and later became a Nutrition specialist.

I did several higher studies that increased my passion to discover the benefits and properties of Food on HEALTH and LONGEVITY. I work in Milhflor surrounded by organic and 100% natural food, without preservatives, without pesticides, without disruptors… my work allows me to help other people to improve their diet, to discover native and local products with great nutritional value. Living in the Province from Ourense surrounded by natural products that are part of the Atlantic Diet and with DO and IGP that provide the true “Antioxidant” value of the food, it is a luxury. Discover the power of food with the entire OURENSIVIDAD team.

Vicepresident: Ricardo de la Fuente Cid

Passion for promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. Dietitian-Nutritionist Pharmacist.

Nutritionist from Ourense C.F.

Vicepresident: Cristina Margusino Framiñán

From Vilagarcía. Medical specialist in family and community medicine.

His work in favor of the humanization of medicine and his commitment to rural areas stands out, for which he has received the Medal of the Council of Xinzo, a distinction for his professional career during 11 years at the town’s health center. His phrase «We have to be less technical and more human, valuing the patient and the family»

Vicepresident: José Manuel Lage Parente

Secretary: José Antonio García Martínez

Treasurer: Maria Ángeles Conde Rodríguez

Vocal: Maribel Garrido

Vocal: María Paz Gómez del Valle Ochoa

Auria Diabetic Association, Paz has been President of the Auria diabetic association for 10 years.

Non-profit entity whose mission is to improve the quality of life of people who suffer from diabetes in the province of Ourense. Among the association’s objectives is to educate, inform and accompany, as well as defend the rights of this group as chronic patients, fighting for their integration into the world of work and for full access to technological advances for their treatments. “We fight to make visible a problem that is increasingly worrying due to its marked increase over the years. Seeing a future in which the population has a greater diagnosis of Diabetes related to overweight and obesity, it is necessary to educate and empower health.

Vocal: Lola Rico Barrera

Coordinator of the Rural School Association of Saude da Limia. Dietitian-nutritionist. Nursing Care Technician.

Direction and Management of Social Services Centers. Coordinator of the Rural Health School Association of Limia. Menina Award 2019 Against Gender Violence “Health is the complete state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” (WHO-1948).

Vocal: Luisa Rodríguez Domínguez

Vocal: Roberto Fernández Álvarez

Galician doctor and writer. Medicine taught him to listen to stories that he later turned into fiction.

Literature helps you humanize medicine. Winner of the Blanco Amor Award in 2022.

Vocal: José Juan Pérez Ramos

Vocal: José Manuel Domínguez de la Fuente


Gael Gallego Gómez

Manuel Mandianes Castro

Doctor en Teología, Antropología en la Universidad de Estrasburgo y Ciencias Políticas y Sociología.

He directed the Institute of Advanced Social Studies of the CSIC. Writer.

Marita Souto Figueroa

Graduate in Pharmacy, Professor of Physics and Chemistry. Dr. Chemical Sciences.

Conseiller Technique de la Sociéte Française de Thermalisme et de Thalassothérapie pour la Santé Bucco-dentaire. Delegada de la Femtec para España.

Jaime Reig Carrión

Vanessa Villar Armada

Carlos David Carrero Casas

Insurance agent for the Mapfre company since 1997, I have also worked for 8 years in the advertising sector.

My hobbies include indoor soccer, reading, cinema and chess, being an Ateneo player. Currently also participating in the centenary interview management program.

Sandra Pardo Seoane

Alberto José Coelho Cotón

Pharmacist, Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

Institute of Materials (IMATUS), Department of Organic Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy.

Sergio Gil Pazos

Ourensano graduated in Journalism from USC. Passionate about marketing and sports communication.

Screenwriter and interviewer in the documentary about longevity: ‘Celanova, Tierra de Inmortales’.

Ana López Hernández

Dietitian and Nutritionist, master in Nutrigenomics and Personalized Nutrition, ISAK N1 Anthropometrist, Expert in Clinical Analysis.

Dietitian-Nutritionist passionate about spreading healthy habits. Committed to nutritional education and continuous improvement to positively impact people’s health and quality of life.