2 cans of canned sardines with olive oil
2 tablespoons finely chopped chives
Juice of 1/2 lemon
100 g PHILADELPHIA type cream cheese
Salt and black pepper grinder
1. Drain the sardines and crumble them in a bowl.
2. Add the cream cheese, lemon juice, pinch of salt and pepper, mix well, add the chives and mix again.
3. Fill a jar or more, pour a teaspoon of olive oil on top (It could be the sardines themselves.
4. Store in the refrigerator until ready to serve.
5. Serve with toast, faragullas chestnut bread or cea bread from A Boa Migalla

Nutritional value: omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids present in a good oily fish such as sardines, being recommended for certain pathologies the contribution of 3 g daily and also with calcium and quality proteins such as those found in cheese. For adults, this dish is complemented with a high-quality Galician bread, within our protected designations of origin, such as Boa Migalla Galician bread, which contains carbohydrates with fiber essential for adequate energy intake and to accompany dishes as characteristic as Galician-style octopus, salpicón, Galician broth and even slaughter products.