Esperanza is from Ourense. Last December, he turned 107 years old. She is one of the 384 people who have passed the century of life in the province. According to the latest data provided by the INE, the number of centenarians from Ourense increased by more than 100 in just three years.
Eva Conde-Corbal, Antena 3.
Published: January 30, 2024, 18:08
On the other side of the door, heels can be heard coming down the hallway. She opens to us perfectly haired and dressed. She even sports a soft lipstick. Because she is conceited. Always has been. Also now, even though he is already 107 years old. “Every day I am dressed as best as possible,” she tells us. Esperanza Cortiñas lives with her daughter, Mari Carmen, but she makes it clear to us that she takes care of herself. This is corroborated by Mari Carmen who assures that “she is self-sufficient, she showers and dresses herself, she does her hair and makeup, she makes food…”
Esperanza’s thing is something exceptional. She is not simply a centenarian. It is a super centenarian. By age, but also by vitality. Esperanza has a privileged head and an agile body, with good mobility, which allow her to maintain the best habits. “I go out dancing every Friday and Sunday; The rest of the days, I’m going to play the game and then have a hot chocolate with churros or an ice cream, whatever happens,” he tells us. She does all this with a group of about eight or ten friends. Also with her daughter, who claims to do “everything my mother does, to see if I can reach her age, but like her!”
We ask her what her secret is, but Esperanza assures that “no one knows that; I think it’s because of the cold in Ourense, which keeps me like this, with this skin and almost no wrinkles,” he jokes. And between jokes and secrets, one confesses to us: “every day I take a shot of coffee liquor at mid-morning.” This, along with maintaining an active social life and a good diet – “today I am preparing a Galician cladito,” she explained to us upon entering her house – are the keys to Esperanza’s longevity.
Ourense, the province with the most centenarians in Spain
In the province of Ourense there is no sea, but there are hot springs. Precisely, thermalism is one of the factors that influence the longevity of its neighbors. But he’s not the only one. Pablo García Vivanco, pharmacist, nutritionist and president of Ourenstividad, the Ourense longevity observatory, explains it to us. “There is more uncertainty than certainty regarding the factors that influence longevity. Genetics plays an important role, but there are other factors that we can point out as key. On the one hand there is the climate, which conditions our diet.
The Atlantic diet, based on local food, has demonstrated its positive impact on the health and longevity of the population that follows it. We must also highlight the healthcare we have in Ourense, of excellent quality. And to all this we must add thermalism – in the province there are numerous natural hot springs from which waters for medicinal use emanate with different compositions and properties that are already prescribed in medical treatments -, deep-rooted customs, which favor socialization, and air quality”.
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