A book about longevity in Galicia, November 22, 2024, COPE.
The expert in Blue Zones, Ana Canelada, and the president of Ourenstividad, Pablo García Vivanco, highlight how important it is “to have a longevity study center in Europe in Galicia.”…
The expert in Blue Zones, Ana Canelada, and the president of Ourenstividad, Pablo García Vivanco, highlight how important it is “to have a longevity study center in Europe in Galicia.”…
Michel Poulain, demographer, specialist in international migration statistics and longevity studies, and Ana Canelada, researcher and right hand of the Belgian scientist, have been with Ourenstividad exchanging opinions on longevity…
Organized by the Concello de Xinzo de Limia, the “Escola Rural de Saúde da Limia” and “Ourensividad”, the details of the event held in the Casa de la Cultura of…
This Sunday, Barbadás hosted the II Andaina de la Ourenstividad, in which those interested could complete some of the two routes that were offered: one of four kilometers and the…
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Today, April 25, 2024, we met at the Liceo de Ourense to celebrate the first anniversary of the Ourenstividad Association with the attendance of more than 200 people. The opening…
El Liceo at 7:30 hrs. The Anniversary Event will be held with different activities, admission will be free until capacity is reached.
Tierra de Celanova has a great healthy heritage, being a great geodestination with a lot of wealth in its waters, it has a good self-consumption diet and a low risk…