The confluence of the provinces of Pontevedra, Orense and Lugo concentrates the largest population of ultra-long-lived people in Spain. It is about to become one of the few ‘blue zones’ on the planet. We travel to Atlantic Okinawa to find out why there is more life there than anywhere else.
“Galicia longevity. The 10% of Spaniards who turned a century live in the northwest corner of the country, converted into an exceptional demographic laboratory: “The aging rates here will be those of the entire EU in 2050.”
“In Orense capital, we also enjoy thermalism, which has anti-rheumatic therapeutic indications,” adds Pablo García Vivanco, dietitian and president of the Ourenstividad association, which dedicates a good part of its programs to the study of centenarians. Even exposure to the cold in times of scarcity like the post-war period could be seen positively in terms of longevity.”

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