Interview Pablo Vivanco, “You have to take care of the physical part, the mental part and also the social part.” La Región April 7, 2024.
The popularizer states that genetics has a 30% influence on longevity and epigenetics 70%. Pablo Vivanco, Pharmacist, popularizer and president of Ourenstividad reviews some of the secrets of longevity as…
Ourense, a province that ages well, La Región.
“The average age has been growing uninterrupted for half a century. In 2023 it stood at 51.23 years, the historical maximum since records exist. Is it negative? Not necessarily, because…
Celanova revealed the secrets of his longevity, La Región 16 de Marzo.
“Throughout the event, attendees had the opportunity to learn about the life testimonies of some centenarians of Terra de Celanova, interspersed with presentations by experts such as Pablo Vivanco, pharmacist,…
Work in search of the secrets of longevity starts in Celanova, La Region March 15, 2024.
The Monastery hosted a conference with testimonies and latest advances. “Food, fresh air, working in the garden or a quiet life are not just clichés to get older.”
Quality Food, interview Pablo Vivanco, La Region Sunday March 3, 2024.
The disseminator highlights that Ourense is very well positioned in global longevity indices, Pablo Vivanco Pharmacist, nutritionist and president of Ourenstividad. “Our diet is an Atlantic bite of longevity”
The Ourensividad association begins 2024 with a pioneering study on old age, La Región, January 2, 2024. Ourense.
The association will interview 191 centenarians on topics such as diet or sex. The Ourensividad association, promoted by health professionals in the province, is finalizing these days the launch of…
Pablo García Vivanco, Keys to living more, La Revista. La Región November 24, 2023.
The secrets of Longevity, “Diet is important but not the only factor of Longevity.” Interview with Pablo García Vivanco by La Revista de La Región, talks about what may be…
La Región Monday, October 23, 2023, Ourensivity. Esperanza, 106 years old and looking forward to Andaina.
Esperanza Cortiñas, at 106 years old, made an appearance as a special guest at the parade organized by the Ourenstividad Association. Serving as a means of promotion for the project…