A new form of vision of the future that brings Ourense to the global focus of longevity. It is a meeting point for different professionals, doctors, pharmacists, nutritionists, teachers and associations with an experienced track record in health promotion in rural areas. Among its purposes are to promote the dissemination of the nutritional value and healthy properties of food products and healthy habits of the province of Ourense, such as sustainable eating within the Atlantic diet, healthy living habits, thermalism and environmental behaviors linked to longevity based on evidence, as well as scientific review, study and positioning in the absence of conflict of interest.
The aim is to create a great tourism product through the formation of a longevity laboratory, establishing synergies with the different groups and associations in the province. Ourense is possibly the best province in the world to serve as a longevity laboratory and to create social policies focused on healthy living habits and nutrition, within the European framework and with a view to the Europe of the year 2050.
Policies linked to active aging within of the regions of the province that reverses the depopulation of empty Spain where physical activity, eating and healthy habits are encouraged that promote healthy and independent aging. The province of Ourense not only boasts an interesting number of DOPs and PGIs but also has attractive artisanal and ecological products that, linked to customs, set a benchmark for people regarding longevity. As a result, statistical studies reflect that the Spanish northwest is the territory with the highest proportion of centenarians in Spain and Ourense is the region with the highest proportion, surpassing in some areas the longevity rate of the prefecture of Okinawa or Icaria, global paradigms of longevity.
Rural Health School of Limia