A study reveals that some regions in the Spanish region could join the five places in the world that are benchmarks in longevity.

Along with Asturias, Castilla y León, the Galician community is one of those with the longest lives: in the last 20 years it has counted 10,000, as confirmed to LA NACION by José María Failde, doctor in psychology specialized in gerontology, university professor and president of the Galician Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology (SGXX), although obviously many have already died. With the particularity that there are three times as many women as men, today nearly 1,600 centenarians live in this autonomous community.
Full article in the following link: https://www.lanacion.com.ar/salud/vida_sana/galicia-nueva-zona-azul-el-lugar-que-estudian-expertos-en-longevidad-donde-los-habitantes-tienen-la-nid11012025/